Thursday 31 January 2019

5 Powerful Lithium Effects on the Brain

A grandfather and son working on a puzzle.A grandfather and son working on a puzzle. Lithium effects on the brain.

Did you know lithium is a naturally occurring mineral — an alkali metal — found all over the earth? The name lithium derives from the Greek word lithos, meaning stone. Traces of lithium exist in granite rock around the world, as well as in soil and water.

Lithium is so plentiful in our environment that even your food contains trace amounts. Like calcium and potassium, your body requires lithium to function properly.

While high doses of lithium may have some associations with mental conditions, the fact is, lithium is a critically important nutrient that supports your body and brain in countless ways. This article will focus specifically on the beneficial effects of lithium for brain health.

5 Benefits of Lithium for Brain Health

As a nutritionally-essential mineral, lithium supports brain health in several ways. The most well-documented lithium benefits include protecting the brain, boosting gray matter, and helping the brain adapt to stress.

1. Offers Neuroprotective Benefits

Lithium is neuroprotective, which means that it protects nerve cells (also called neurons) against damage. When something provides neuroprotection, not only does it prevent the breakdown of cells in the central nervous system — including the brain — but it may also play a role in nerve cell regeneration and recovery.[1]

Lithium not only protects neurons (nerve cells), but it boosts brain cell regeneration.

In the case of lithium, studies not only show that it protects brain cells from harm, but also that it promotes brain cell regeneration. In other words, this vital nutrient helps neurons repair themselves and grow even when they are under stress, rather than die off.[2]

2. Promotes a Healthy Response to Daily Stress

Stress is a normal part of life we all occasionally experience. However, studies show that regular daily stress affects your health and well-being. Lithium is an effective tool in combating these ups and downs with resilience. It promotes your body's ability to heal itself.[3]

When you're under stress, your body not only produces more stress hormones but also increases its production of free radicals.[3] Free radicals are unstable molecules that can damage otherwise healthy cells in your body. This damage is known as "oxidative stress."

Over time, too much oxidative stress can lead to lifestyle-related diseases and premature aging.[4] Lithium's antioxidant properties can help your body and brain counteract these free radicals.

For more ways to combat stress, check out Dr. Group's Recommendations for Stress Management.

3. Increases Gray & White Matter

Your brain's gray matter is responsible for storing memories, helping you make decisions, and perceiving the five senses (i.e., taste, smell, sight, touch, and hearing).

White matter forms the deeper parts of the brain and regulates the sending of impulses throughout the brain and central nervous system.

Lithium's ability to increase gray and white matter means sharper thinking skills, focus, and memory!

Research shows that lithium can boost both gray and white matter, particularly in the prefrontal cortex region of the brain — the part associated with emotion, thought, and personality.[5] Lithium may increase gray matter by stimulating the brain to generate new cells which then develop into neurons.[5, 6]

However, one study suggested that this increase in gray matter may be an artifact of the MRI imaging, and that brain hydration may account for the larger brain volume.[7] On the other hand, many studies have found that lithium does result in stem cells differentiating into neurons, so the jury is still out.

While researchers continue to seek a definitive answer as to how lithium increases the brain's gray and white matter, we know that such an increase can sharpen your cognitive abilities ("thinking skills"), help with mood management, and sharpen your focus and memory.

4. Rejuvenates Nerves

Each nerve cell is coated with a myelin sheath. Myelin is a substance made primarily of lipid (fat) and protein. Think of myelin as the protective coating on your brain's wiring — it keeps your brain cells functioning as they should by insulating them and telling nerve impulses where they should go.[8]

Myelin helps you do important things like stay focused at work, respond quickly, and so much more. When a nerve gets damaged for any reason, including normal age-related decline, it may lose some myelin.

Studies suggest that lithium may help add more myelin around your nerve cells, helping them function more effectively — otherwise known as remyelination.[9] Remyelination is your body's way of repairing any damage done to the neurons within your brain and central nervous system.

In one study, scientists gave lithium to mice that had nerve issues affecting their facial muscles; it helped myelin genes express (which helps more myelin get produced) and, as a result, mice recovered the ability to move their whiskers again.[9] The study supports the idea that lithium boosts normal nerve cell repair and growth through remyelination.

5. Improves Mood & Focus

Decades of research shows that lithium has powerful mood-stabilizing properties, even in very low amounts.

One small study found individuals who were given micro-servings of lithium over four weeks reported steadily improved mood in areas related to happiness, friendliness, and energy.[10] The scientists concluded that low lithium levels have mood-stabilizing and mood-improving effects.

Remarkably, multiple studies have found that in locations where the drinking water contains higher trace levels of lithium, people live more peacefully. These studies were conducted in both Japan and the United States.[11, 12]

Sources of Lithium

Experts increasingly recognize lithium's importance to human health. The World Health Organization added it to the list of nutritionally essential trace elements, along with zinc, iodine, and others.[13] Below are sources of this vital nutrient.


You can find small amounts of lithium in many foods, but legumes, vegetables, and other plant-derived foods contain the most. Try the following foods to get more lithium in your diet:

  • Legumes including lentils, garbanzo beans, and green peas
  • Vegetables including tomatoes, mushrooms, cauliflower, and cabbage
  • Seeds and nuts, particularly pistachios
  • Brown rice
  • Coffee
  • Depending on where you live, your drinking water may contain traces of lithium


Many experts consider lithium an essential nutrient with a provisional recommended daily allowance (RDA) of 1 mg (milligrams) daily for an adult weighing 70 kg (154 pounds).[14] Slightly higher servings may help if you are trying to better manage daily stress and balance your mood.

Supplements are the easiest way to incorporate lithium into your diet. Lithium orotate — lithium combined with orotic acid — is the ideal supplement form because its small size enables it to penetrate cell membranes.[3]

Because your body naturally produces orotic acid, this carrier molecule is readily broken down and processed without side effects at low amounts. Small amounts can have powerful health benefits, without the side effects that come with more.[3]

If you take multiple orotate supplements — such as magnesium orotate, calcium orotate, or zinc orotate, as well as lithium orotate — you could end up with too much orotic acid, which can cause health concerns. Animal safety studies suggest between 50 to 100 mg/kg (milligrams per kilogram) of orotic acid body weight, equivalent to 2,250 to 4,500 mg per 100 pounds of body weight, are safe.[15]

Are There Side Effects?

In small servings, lithium side effects are virtually non-existent. The mechanism of action for low-serving lithium is quite different from that when it is taken in higher amounts, according to a comprehensive review by Dr. Timothy Marshall.[3]

Marshall states that the lithium orotate molecule is stable in the body. Once transported inside the cell, the orotate-mineral complex dissociates, releasing the lithium to its action sites. Not only that, Marshall states that lithium's safety is comparable to low amounts of zinc and other nutrients.[3]

When taken in much larger amounts, lithium can have adverse effects on the kidneys and thyroid gland. Large servings may cause excessive thirst, nausea, hand tremors, and loss of coordination.[16]

Points to Remember

Lithium is a natural mineral that has a therapeutic effect on the human brain. This vital nutrient is best known for its mood-stabilizing and neuroprotective benefits.

In addition to boosting brain health and helping balance mood, lithium can improve your ability to focus, protect your nerve cells, and help your body adapt to stress in a healthy way. Lithium may also help prevent behaviors that lead to social isolation and unhappiness.

You can find traces of lithium in your food and water supply, but to ensure you get the proper amount for optimal brain health, you can take a lithium orotate supplement. Global Healing Center’s Lithium Orotate is a naturally occurring, earth-sourced elemental mineral that supports healthy mood, brain health, emotional balance, and a healthy response to stress.

Have you tried lithium orotate? Share your experience in the comments!

The post 5 Powerful Lithium Effects on the Brain appeared first on Dr. Group's Healthy Living Articles.


Monday 28 January 2019

The Healing Power of a Gut Cleanse: 6-Day Detox

A bowl of fruit for a gut cleanse.A bowl of fruit for a gut cleanse.

The body is an incredible machine. Each person's body has a built-in detox system — starting with your gastrointestinal (GI) tract — that processes toxins, chemicals, and other harmful substances that your food inevitably contains.

The GI tract begins to remove harmful substances from your food by sending them out of the body in your stool or sending them to the liver and kidneys to be fully detoxified. The GI tract also breaks down the healthy components of the food you eat, using them to build muscle, bone, brain, and other critical body tissues.

Over time, your gut can get overwhelmed from the toxins it absorbs from the food and water you consume, the air you breathe, and the products you use on a daily basis. A gut cleanse — sometimes called a colon cleanse — can ensure all those toxins aren't affecting your ability to stay healthy.

Short Breakdown of the Gut Cleanse

  • Get Ready: Stock up on raw organic apple cider vinegar (ACV), distilled water, and healthy, plant-based foods, or fruit if you're doing the fruit-only option.
  • Make ACV mix: Prepare six gallons of ACV mix by adding two tablespoons of ACV per one gallon of distilled water.
  • Days 1 to 6: Follow a healthy diet with three small meals throughout the day, such as avocado, nuts, or fruit. Drink an ACV mix throughout the day. Before bed, take an oxygen-based colon cleanser.
  • Post Cleanse: Follow a healthy, plant-based diet with three small meals throughout the day. Make sure to drink lots of water with fresh lemon.

Read the full details below.

What Does Your Gut Do for You?

When someone refers to the "gut," they're typically referring to the entire digestive system. That's everything from mouth to anus — including the esophagus, stomach, pancreas, liver, gallbladder, small intestine, and large intestine, also called the colon.

Every section of the digestive tract has a function, and the colon is one of the most important. It's a U-shaped part of the intestines that is up to six feet long. The colon has four sections: ascending, transverse, descending, and sigmoid. A whole ecosystem of gut bacteria resides inside the colon, helping to keep your digestion on track.

What Is a Gut Cleanse?

A gut cleanse is an incredibly effective way to improve your overall health and wellness, boosting your gut's ability to digest food and detoxify harmful substances. A gut cleanse has three main components: eliminating, flushing, and replenishing.

First, you eliminate food items known to cause digestive issues, such as dairy, meat, gluten, and other allergens, while eating a clean diet — ideally, all fruit — for several days. Next, you flush your digestive system of all the extra waste, toxins, and organisms it has collected over time. Last, you replenish your gut's beneficial organisms, also called probiotics.

A gut cleanse is a three-step process — eliminate, flush, and replenish — that can kick-start a new, healthy lifestyle.

Cleansing your gut is something you should regularly do — it's not just a one-time quick fix. Your gut needs regular maintenance. Doing a gut cleanse is a great opportunity to kick-start new, healthy habits. You will feel so much better after clearing out the old gunk and welcoming in healthier foods, more beneficial probiotic bacteria, and smoother digestion.

Signs That It's Time for a Cleanse

The Standard American Diet (SAD) is ruthless when it comes to messing with your gut health. All of the meat, dairy, sugar, wheat, and fried and processed foods unleash all sorts of havoc on your body, leading to accumulated toxins and even compacted fecal matter in the gut. Many people say that they can feel when it's time for a gut cleanse.

Your body is constantly sending signals that you need to cleanse, and some people can say they can even feel when it's time for a gut cleanse!

Your body is pretty good at sending out signals to make sure you're aware that something is going wrong. If you notice any of the following symptoms, it's a pretty strong indicator that it's time for a gut cleanse.

Gut Detox Protocol

To ensure you're doing the gut cleanse properly, be sure to follow the dietary instructions below to stay safe and healthy throughout the process. In some ways, a cleanse is similar to fasting. You will be eliminating a lot of foods that you ordinarily eat unless you already follow a very clean diet.

Gut Cleanse Diet

You have two options for the gut cleanse diet throughout the six days of the cleanse.

The fruit-only option is ideal, and you will get the best results with it. However, you can also do a gut cleanse by eating mostly plant-based foods.

Option 1: Fruit-Only Diet

While performing your gut cleanse, you should eat organic fruit. Choose fruits from the following list. These particular options are full of nutrients and water and are gentle on your digestive system. You can eat as much fruit as you want.

  • Apples
  • Avocados
  • Bananas
  • Blackberries
  • Blueberries
  • Grapefruit
  • Oranges
  • Papaya
  • Pineapple
  • Raspberries
  • Strawberries
  • Tomatoes
  • Watermelon
  • White grapes

Non-Fruit Option

If you need a heartier option, you can eat a plant-based diet; eliminate meat, dairy, eggs, soy, wheat, and gluten-containing products. Eat organic or locally grown food for best results. Below are a few additional tips:

  • Eat healthy, plant-based foods for six days straight with three small portions daily.
  • Eliminate meat, dairy, eggs, soy, GMOs, wheat and gluten-containing foods.
  • Eat lots of salads, vegetable soups, raw nuts, seeds, and fruits.
  • Do not cook any food using a microwave as this will reduce the effectiveness of cleansing.
  • Eat dinner at least one hour before bedtime.
  • Avoid all alcoholic beverages.
  • Avoid artificial sweeteners like those in diet sodas and other diet products. Instead use honey, stevia, monk fruit, or coconut sugar.
  • Avoid high fructose corn syrup, molasses, white sugar, dextrose, sorbitol, processed fructose, and sucrose.
  • Replace table salt with seasonings like Himalayan salt.


You'll want to make sure you have the proper ingredients for this gut detox on hand before starting.

All the items on this list work together to balance out your gut microflora, remove toxins from your system, and normalize your digestive health.

The distilled water, lemons, and apple cider vinegar create a drink you'll hydrate with throughout the cleanse. Here's how to make it:

  1. Take one gallon of distilled water and pour out four ounces
  2. Add two tablespoons of organic apple cider vinegar
  3. Shake well
  4. Add the juice from half a lemon
  5. Mix and refrigerate


This gut cleanse is a six-day process. Each day, make one gallon of the apple cider vinegar cocktail and drink it throughout the day.

Save eight ounces of the apple cider vinegar mixture for the end of the day. Just before you go to bed every night, use it to take six capsules of Oxy-Powder. If you have any left over after that, don't save it — pitch the rest and make a fresh batch in the morning.

Select a personal affirmation that works for you, perhaps related to the reason why you're doing the cleanse. Are you trying to improve your overall health? Try, "I am healthy." Is it to rid yourself of toxins? Say, "I am clean." Are you determined to lose weight? Repeat, "I am lighter." Or pick an affirmation that makes sense for you.

Important: Drink 12 to 20 ounces of the gut cleanse cocktail when you wake up and between meals.


  1. Take 3 Latero-Flora™ capsules 20 minutes before eating.
  2. Eat breakfast. Follow your dietary option.
  3. Drink 12 to 20 ounces of the gut cleanse cocktail.
  4. Repeat your affirmation nine times.


  1. Eat lunch. Follow your dietary option.
  2. Drink 12 to 20 ounces of the gut cleanse cocktail.
  3. Repeat the following affirmation nine times.


  1. Eat dinner. Follow your dietary option.
  2. Drink 12 to 20 ounces of the gut cleanse cocktail.
  3. Repeat the following affirmation nine times.


  1. Take six capsules of Oxy-Powder.
  2. Drink the remaining eight ounces of apple cider vinegar mix.
  3. Before closing your eyes, repeat your affirmation to encourage a restful night’s sleep.

Repeat these instructions for six days. After the first full day of the cleanse, you should expect to have three to five bowel movements every day. If you don't, increase your Oxy-Powder intake by two capsules every night until you hit the three to five mark the following day.

Note: Because a gut cleanse flushes out most of the food and compacted waste that has accumulated in your gut, at the end of your cleanse, you will want to replenish your gut microbes with beneficial bacteria; take a probiotic supplement that can boost the results of your cleanse.

Benefits of a Gut Detox

A healthy gut means a happy body. When your colon and digestive system are working the way they should, your body's natural ability to detoxify itself is at peak performance.

If your digestive system is not working properly, you most likely aren't getting all the nutrients available from what you eat. Your body may also be having trouble absorbing enough water from your food. A gut detox can get your digestion to a better place. Below we list the top benefits of a gut cleanse.

Balance Your Emotions

When your gut is in proper working order, it can affect your mood in a good way. Several studies show that anxiety and stress increase with greater inflammation in the body — and inflammation occurs when your diet is less than optimal.[1] A gut cleanse can normalize this systemic redness and swelling, helping to balance out your emotions.

Regulate & Restore Your Immune System

The micro-organisms in your gut interact quite closely with your immune system, and depending on which organisms you've got, there's a potential link to autoimmune diseases.

A gut detox can help eliminate the harmful organism in your body, helping the gut to heal and keeping your immune system on track while replenishing your gut with beneficial microbes.[2]

Relieve Constipation & Promote Regularity

Your body has a hard time digesting when you eat a poor diet full of processed foods, meat, and sugar. An unhealthy diet can lead to compacted waste — or, in other words, constipation.

Since you eliminate unhealthy foods on a gut detox, while focusing on drinking water and eating fiber-rich foods, it moves your system along, removing waste and flushing out the bad stuff.

Essentially, your gut will be reset following a cleanse, which means your bowel movements will likely be more regular and consistent, and you'll be processing and digesting food at healthy levels again.

Increase Energy

One of the most commonly reported benefits following a gut detox is a big energy boost, especially if you follow it up by switching to a healthier diet.

You may not even need that cup of morning coffee anymore. You'll not only feel more awake, but you will also just feel better overall.

Jumpstart Your Metabolism

Both new research and therapies focus on how the microbiome in your gut helps regulate metabolism. A gut cleanse could be just what you need to get your body's innate calorie-burning power to a higher level.

As a bonus, once your biome is in top shape, it may help you fight against obesity. Early studies show that new therapies focused on gut flora could be effective at lowering obesity rates.[3] This is why replenishing the gut with beneficial probiotics is essential to the overall effectiveness of any cleanse.

Boost Nutrient Absorption

Within your gut, the colon absorbs nutrients from the food you're eating. If your gut is unhealthy, those nutrients may not be properly absorbed.

When that happens, you're at a higher risk for things like inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), malabsorption syndrome, leaky gut, Crohn's disease, and nutritional deficiencies.

Strengthen Your Brain

Recent research shows that the health of your gut can have a positive impact on brain function. Specific diets — like the healthy one you'll adopt after your detox — can help normalize neurodevelopmental disorders.

Some probiotics are also known to influence brain activity, so be sure to add them back into your diet with supplements once the cleanse is over.[4]

Other Ways to Maintain a Healthy Gut

Once you're done with the cleanse, you may want to alter your diet to something healthier, especially if you regularly eat meat, dairy, or a lot of processed foods. There are other options for maintaining a healthy gut as well — things you should probably do together with that diet, listed below.

Manage Your Stress

Too much stress can cause a whole array of disorders, including ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome, and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).[5] If you're stressed out, try healthy ways to manage it — like meditation, yoga, and deep breathing.

Take Enzymes

Digestive enzymes have one main purpose — to break down food so you can digest it more efficiently — but they also boost your health in other ways.

Not only do enzyme supplements support normal digestion, but they also reduce bloating and gas, protect your cells and tissues from oxidative damage, and deter systemic redness and swelling.

Adopt a Plant-Based Diet

Animal-based diets have an undeniably negative affect on gut health.[6] A plant-based diet that focuses on organic fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds, and grains helps to normalize mood, fight obesity, and promote a healthier gut microbiome.

A plant-based diet promotes strong digestion, and helps with heart health, anti-aging, and so much more. Herbal and green teas, as well as supplements, can add additional nutrients and antioxidants to your plant-based diet.

Incorporate Probiotics

Recent research shows that probiotics help restore healthy gut flora, but they also normalize swelling, boost mood, improve skin health, and ease certain systemic diseases.[7]

Supplements can help introduce the right probiotics into your body. Choose supplements that contain many probiotic strains as well as prebiotics, fiber-rich "food" for the microbes. You can also add dairy-free probiotic foods to your diet for additional benefit. Many fermented foods, like kombucha, sauerkraut, and kimchi, naturally contain beneficial probiotics.

Start Exercising

Exercise is for more than just weight loss. It helps keep you alert, releases stress, and keeps your brain functioning at an optimal level — and it's helpful for your gut, too.

When you exercise, it boosts the number of beneficial microbe species in your gut, which boosts digestion as well as your immune system.[8]

Points to Remember

A gut cleanse, also known as a colon cleanse, is an important part of regulating your digestive system and getting your body back on track. With an unhealthy internal system, you'll feel sick and be more sluggish. A gut detox can also normalize your mood, immune system, and digestion, promoting regularity.

We recommend incorporating our Colon Cleanse Kit which you can also perform as part of a healthy lifestyle. This kit is a natural way to simultaneously support your gut and colon.

An ideal gut cleanse spans six days. During that time you will eat only fruit — or a clean, plant-based diet — allowing your gastrointestinal tract to clean itself out, lighten its load, and detoxify. Apple cider vinegar, lemon, and gut-detox supplements, taken at regular intervals, help the process. Taking a probiotic after you complete the cleanse helps ensure your gut stays healthy afterward.

Once you finish the cleanse, it's important to maintain optimal gut health. You can do this by exercising, taking supplements, changing your diet, and controlling stress.

Have you ever done a gut cleanse? Share your thoughts in the comments!

The post The Healing Power of a Gut Cleanse: 6-Day Detox appeared first on Dr. Group's Healthy Living Articles.


Wednesday 23 January 2019

Gallbladder Cleanse: An Easy Step-by-Step Guide

A basket of friendly gallbladder cleanse foods like beets and carrots.A basket of friendly gallbladder cleanse foods like beets and carrots.

Located just below the liver, the gallbladder plays an important role in the digestive system. Its main role is to store and recycle bile, which breaks down the fats in the food we eat. However, the gallbladder also communicates with other organs to perform key digestive functions such as waste elimination and enzyme production.

One of the best ways to promote optimal wellness is by making a gallbladder and liver flush part of your healthy lifestyle. Many adults over 40 have issues with cholesterol or follow a poor diet and, subsequently, suffer from gallbladder problems. However, anyone can benefit from this simple detox for your liver and gallbladder, especially if you follow a diet that includes meat, dairy, and processed food.[1]

Short Breakdown of the Gallbladder Cleanse

  • Preparation: Stock up on raw organic apple cider vinegar (ACV), Epsom salt, extra virgin olive oil, distilled water, and healthy, plant-based foods.
  • Days 1 to 4: Add two tablespoons of ACV per one gallon of distilled water, for a total of three gallons. Drink this mix throughout the day. Follow a healthy diet with three small meals throughout the day, such as avocado, nuts, or fruit.
  • Day 5, during the day: Eat the gallbladder cleanse soup or juice as described in the recipes below.
  • Day 5, at night: Perform a flush by drinking one tablespoon of Epsom salt mixed with water. An hour and a half later, drink 3/4 cup of organic extra virgin olive oil.
  • Day 6: Throughout the day, drink plenty of purified water with fresh lemon juice. Have fruit for breakfast, the rest of your gallbladder cleanse soup for lunch and a salad with a light protein for dinner.

Read the full details below.

What Does the Gallbladder Do?

The gallbladder is a small pear-shaped organ located on the right side of the body, underneath the liver. The gallbladder stores bile, a yellow-green fluid made by the liver that helps break down fats from food.

When you eat, the gallbladder releases bile through ducts into the upper part of the small intestine. This organ is an important partner with the liver in removing toxins from the body.

Causes & Symptoms of Gallstones

Most gallstones are formed from hardened cholesterol mixed with bile. If they get large enough, they can block the ducts and prevent bile from flowing out. This can irritate the gallbladder and affect its normal function.[2]

Some symptoms of gallstones include a yellowing of the skin (jaundice), fever with chills, indigestion, or gallbladder discomfort, which can be felt on the upper-right side of the abdomen and the right shoulder. Sometimes gallstones become so severe that they need to be surgically removed. Risk factors for gallstones can include:[3]

  • Obesity
  • Diabetes
  • Pregnancy
  • Not enough high-density lipoproteins (HDL, or "good" cholesterol)
  • Rapid weight loss
  • Poor diet
  • Crohn's disease
  • Blood disorders
  • Family history

Gallbladder Cleanse Protocol

A gallbladder cleanse is a safe, natural way to cleanse the gallbladder and improve both gallbladder and liver function. It's easy to perform at home, but you can easily perform this while working as long as you have time at home on your flush day.

The protocol for the five-day cleanse has two phases: eat a gallbladder cleanse diet over four days, followed by a flush on the fifth day.

The cleansing effect of the magnesium sulfate from the Epsom salt and the olive oil will help flush out your gallbladder. It will also stimulate your liver's detoxification abilities.


The key ingredients for your gallbladder cleanse are raw, organic apple cider vinegar, Epsom salt, extra virgin olive oil, distilled water, and healthy, plant-based foods.

Recommended Diet

Follow an organic, plant-based diet in the days leading up to the cleanse, and of course, during it. Allowed foods include vegetables, fruits, herbal teas, fresh fruit juice, nuts, and seeds. Make sure you are drinking purified water throughout the cleanse.

For an effective gallbladder cleanse, eliminate all dairy and meat products, as well as fatty, processed, and genetically modified (GMO) foods. Do not consume alcohol or tobacco, and avoid fried or spicy foods.

For an extra boost, you can enhance your ACV water with an herbal liver-support formula such as Livatrex®.


For at least one week before you begin, avoid any beauty and home products that might contain harmful chemicals.

Days 1 to 4

In the morning, mix two tablespoons of raw organic ACV with one gallon of distilled water, shake, and refrigerate. Eat three small meals and two snacks per day and drink the distilled water mix. Eat your food slowly and chew it thoroughly to encourage efficient digestion.

You can also add liver-detoxifying herbs like turmeric, milk thistle, and dandelion, or spices such as cinnamon to your diet.


Drink an eight-ounce glass of the ACV and water mix first thing in the morning. You can enjoy this with a small bowl of fresh fruit. Choose fruit with high water and fiber content such as:

  • Watermelon
  • Grapefruit
  • Plums
  • Papaya
  • Kiwi
  • Cherries
  • Pears
  • Apples
  • Figs


Select one type of nut or seed and enjoy a handful as a snack. Have it with 12 ounces of your ACV and water mix. The following are some of the best options:


Around noon, eat the gallbladder cleanse soup or drink the cleanse juice. See the recipes below:

Gallbladder Cleanse Soup
  • 1 cup organic broccoli
  • 1 organic beet
  • 2 organic carrots
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 10 organic garlic cloves
  • 1/2 organic onion
  • 1/4 organic lemon
  • 1 tablespoon Himalayan crystal salt

Wash and finely chop the ingredients. Add them to a pot with 32 ounces of distilled or purified water, then bring to a boil. Reduce to low heat and let simmer for 30 minutes and enjoy.

Gallbladder Cleanse Juice
  • 3 organic carrots (washed and peeled)
  • 2 organic apples (washed and cut)
  • 1 organic beet (washed and peeled)
  • 6 organic kale leaves
  • 1/2 organic lemon (washed and peeled)
  • 1/2-inch ginger root

Use an extractor to get all the juice and enjoy.


Select either an avocado seasoned with lemon and sea salt or a handful of walnuts for dinner. Alternatively, you may fast through the afternoon with just the ACV and water mix.

Day 5: The Flush

On day five, you will perform a gallbladder flush. This involves two steps done in the evening before you go to bed.

First, you will consume a mixture of one tablespoon of Epsom salt and eight ounces of warm, purified water around 7 p.m. Drink it quickly and ensure you are near a bathroom as you may experience liquid stool within 20­ minutes.

You will follow this with six ounces of organic cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil between 8:30 p.m. and 9 p.m. You need to try to drink it all. If the taste is too much, try the following tips to make it more palatable:

  • Refrigerate the oil for a few hours.
  • Combine the oil with two tablespoons to one-half cup of freshly squeezed grapefruit, orange, or lemon juice in a jar and shake until mixed.
  • Pour the juice into one cup and the oil in another. Alternate between drinking from the two with a straw.

Getting Ready for Bed

Immediately after you finish drinking the oil, lie down on your right side with your knees pulled up to your stomach. Stay in this position for 30 minutes, then stretch out and try to go to sleep. Any cramping you experience is a positive sign that your body is releasing toxins; walk around for 10 minutes to help it subside. Another common side effect of a gallbladder cleanse is nausea; this is a sign that you may need another cleanse. Allow yourself to vomit if needed.

The Day After

Immediately after waking up, take six capsules of Oxy-Powder®. This will help flush what's been released from your gallbladder in your bowel movement.

Eat fruit for breakfast, the remaining gallbladder cleanse soup for lunch and a healthy dinner of salad and a light protein. Drink distilled or purified water with fresh lemon throughout the day.

Benefits of a Gallbladder Cleanse

Purging your gallbladder helps it perform its normal functions. And, as an important partner to the liver, those functions — which include supporting the overall digestive process, bile production, and maintaining a healthy metabolism — are vital to your health and well-being. Below are the top benefits of performing a gallbladder cleanse.

Flushes Toxins

Releasing toxins helps remedy the unwanted symptoms they can cause, including affecting the flow of bile, discomfort, and gallbladder irritation.

Promotes Normal Gallbladder Function

A healthy gallbladder supports the immune system by helping the liver eliminate the toxins that affect your energy, appearance, and daily performance. By doing this cleanse, you support gallbladder function, as well as that of your liver.

Boosts Fat Digestion

Cleansing the gallbladder — a warehouse for bile — helps the body digest and absorb both fats and fat-soluble vitamins in the small intestine.

Promotes a Healthy Body Weight

A gallbladder cleanse may help promote a healthy body weight by encouraging normal function of the digestive system.

Flushing the gallbladder also makes it easier for the liver to perform as a maintainer of metabolism and producer of bile.

Encourages Overall Vitality

Clearing the pathway between the gallbladder and the liver allows the rest of the body to receive the nutrients that promote overall energy, health, and wellness.

The Best Ways to Avoid Gallstones

One of the best ways to avoid gallstones is by following a diet that provides a satisfactory amount of healthy fats and high-fiber foods. Following a plant-based diet is associated with a decreased risk of developing gallstones, according to research.[1]

Avoid refined carbohydrates and consume less sugar. Seek ways to safely lose weight if you are overweight or obese, and maintain an optimal weight by eating healthy food and engaging in regular physical activity. Obesity is a known risk factor for developing gallstones.[4]

You can also try natural remedies for gallstones. These include nutritional plant-based supplements such as vitamin C, which some research has shown can reduce your risk of developing deposits.[1]

Precautions & Potential Side Effects

If you have any health concerns or take any medications, consult your healthcare professional before performing the gallbladder cleanse. Side effects may include nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and vomiting.

Some people experience a "healing crisis" during their cleanse, which, because of the flow of toxins out of their body, can actually make them temporarily feel worse. Symptoms can include nausea, headaches, fatigue, and general malaise. Keep in mind that your body is detoxifying and you will soon feel better.

Points to Remember

The gallbladder is primarily a storage site for bile, which is a key ingredient in the digestive process that helps break down the fats in food. The gallbladder also plays an important role in communicating with other digestive organs.

Adults over 40, especially those who are overweight or have problems with cholesterol, are particularly prone to developing gallstones and may benefit from doing a gallbladder cleanse. These unwanted deposits can block the bile from being released and lead to symptoms such as abdominal discomfort and irritation. However, a gallbladder cleanse is good for nearly everyone, regardless of the diet they follow since we are all exposed to many toxins in the environment.

We recommend incorporating our Liver Cleanse Kit which you can also perform as part of a healthy lifestyle. This kit is a natural way to simultaneously support your gallbladder and liver.

The gallbladder cleanse involves four days of eating fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds while avoiding processed foods and meat, followed by a gallbladder flush. The flush involves consuming Epsom salt and water followed by organic olive oil to remove toxins from the body. Many people report feeling better than ever after completing a cleanse.

Have you tried a gallbladder cleanse? Share your story in the comments below!

The post Gallbladder Cleanse: An Easy Step-by-Step Guide appeared first on Dr. Group's Healthy Living Articles.


Wednesday 16 January 2019

Natural Fat Burners: Which Ones Actually Work?

A woman stretching in running trail. Incorporating a natural fat burner can make your workouts more efficient.A woman stretching in running trail. Incorporating a natural fat burner can make your workouts more efficient.

We all want a magic pill that can help us burn fat. Unfortunately, those don't exist. However, natural fat burners — foods and nutritional supplements that have fat-burning properties — can aid a healthy diet and exercise plan.[1]

However, they cannot solve your weight problems on their own; that requires you to also change your habits and aim for a healthy lifestyle.

You can find natural fat burners in foods, including herbs, spices, fruits, vegetables, and other plant-based foods. Alternatively, you can purchase fat-burning supplements that come in capsules, powders, and liquids that you typically take alongside meals. All of these offer natural ways to boost your fat-burning and weight loss efforts.

How Do Fat Burners Work?

Fat burners work in several different ways. Some block fat from being absorbed from the food you eat. Others influence insulin in your body, which affects blood sugar and how much fat gets stored in cells. Finally, some speed up your metabolism.

When your metabolism increases, it accelerates the speed that fat and other body tissues break down. The process, called diet-induced thermogenesis, increases your body's calorie burn, helping you drop pounds.

Natural Fat Burners

Scientific evidence suggests that several ingredients may help burn fat. Natural options are better than synthetic, chemical fat burners which come with a host of side effects. Always go natural and seek the highest-quality ingredients. Below are a handful of fat burners that may help on your weight loss journey.


Caffeine helps you workout longer and even enhances your exercise performance, which helps your body burn more fat!

Caffeine, the main ingredient in coffee, tea, and chocolate, is a natural fat burner. It stimulates the nervous system and helps the body burn fat by boosting metabolism.

Consuming five milligrams of caffeine per kilogram of body mass one hour before a workout can even enhance exercise performance and result in weight loss, according to one study.[2]

Another study found that combining caffeine with low-intensity exercise helps the body burn more fat than exercise alone.[3] Plus, caffeine may also help you work out longer.

However, caffeine makes some people jittery, anxious, and unable to fall asleep, so limit your consumption to moderate amounts.

Green Tea Extract

Green tea extract, the most concentrated form of green tea, contains a powerful antioxidant called EGCG ( epigallocatechin-3-gallate). EGCG stimulates metabolism and, as a bonus, improves heart health.

Scientists aren't exactly sure how green tea works as a natural fat burner, but studies show it can reduce food intake as well as fat absorption; when fat isn't absorbed, it passes through the digestive system, into the stool, and out of the body.

Green tea extract also increases the body's energy use due to thermogenesis — the process of burning calories through digestion.[4, 5] Green tea extract may cause mild stomach upset and, in rare cases, kidney or liver problems.

Conjugated Linoleic Acid

Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), an omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid found naturally in nuts, seeds, pomegranate seed oil, and white button mushrooms, is a common fat-burning supplement that helps break down fat cells.

In a study where men and women consumed CLA daily with meals, participants increased their lean body mass and muscle strength and decreased their overall body fat and "bad" (LDL) cholesterol levels.[6]

In another study, obese postmenopausal women who supplemented daily with CLA reduced both their body mass index (BMI) and total body mass.[7]

Side effects could include an upset stomach and an increased risk of bleeding. Always check the purity and quality of any supplement you select and choose plant-based supplements.


Ginseng tea has long been thought to aid weight loss. Animal studies suggest that ginseng, and the ginsenosides they contain, reduce fat cell size and fat production, but in human studies, such effects have been harder to show.

In one study, middle-aged obese women who consumed Panax ginseng for eight weeks decreased their weight and BMI — but not their waist circumference or body fat percentage.[8]

Another human study found that ginseng not only led to weight loss in some people, it also affected gut microbiota composition — the microbes that make up one's gut ecosystem. Interestingly, the anti-obesity effects of the ginseng supplement depended on the individual's initial gut microbiota composition.[9]

Side effects of ginseng may include insomnia, headache, rapid heart rate, or a decrease or increase in blood pressure.

The Best Fat-Burning Foods

If you'd like to try foods that work as natural fat burners, check out the choices listed below. You can easily incorporate fat-burning foods like cayenne or apple cider vinegar into meals, or add them to drink recipes, including smoothies and teas.

Cayenne Pepper

Scientists have discovered that cayenne pepper is a potent natural fat burner. Research suggests consuming this spicy red chili pepper with a meal increases fullness (satiety). It suppresses appetite and also reduces cravings for salty or sweet foods.[10] In one small study, women who added cayenne pepper to their meal saw increased diet-induced thermogenesis and fat burning (lipid oxidation).[11]

This spicy red chili pepper reduces cravings, increases fullness, and is known as a potent natural fat burner.

Capsaicin, the ingredient in peppers responsible for the spiciness, raises your body temperature when you eat it. The cool-down afterward burns calories. However, you may develop a tolerance to cayenne pepper that decreases its weight loss effects over time.

You can add cayenne to recipes, including smoothies and juices. For higher potency of cayenne's active ingredient capsaicin, try supplements. Some people find cayenne too spicy, or that it upsets their stomach. Be sure to always take cayenne capsules with food.

Organic Raw Apple Cider Vinegar

Experts have looked at organic raw apple cider vinegar, or ACV, as a fat-burning supplement for many years. Some studies found that it can normalize insulin levels, boost metabolism, and burn fat. It may also suppress appetite, possibly by increasing your body's feeling of fullness.[12]

Taking one to two tablespoons mixed with water is the recommended serving. You can also make your own salad dressing and add it to various recipes. Some people dislike the taste, however, or find that it leads to an upset stomach.


You may have heard that it takes more calories to digest grapefruit than what it contains, and in a sense, it's true! This citrus fruit has a powerful impact on weight. Not only does fresh grapefruit help you lose weight, it even helps normalize insulin and blood glucose levels according to one study.[13]

Other studies have found that eating grapefruit may reduce the lipids, or fats, circulating in your blood and may also balance blood pressure.[14] You can even try grapefruit seed extract for a more concentrated form.

Vegan Protein Powder

Increasing the amount of protein you eat, especially when you lower your consumption of empty carbs, can boost the muscle your body builds. With more muscle, you will burn more calories every day, without doing anything! That is not to say you shouldn't exercise, including both aerobic and strength training, but only that more muscle mass helps burn more calories. Protein also curbs appetite by reducing the hunger hormone ghrelin.

More muscles equal more calories burned per day. Increasing your protein intake can be a great way to burn additional fat!

Adding protein powder to smoothies or meals is a powerful and easy way to boost your protein intake, which helps your body burn more fat. Choose vegan protein powders, like a pea, brown rice, or hemp protein.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Using fat to burn fat? Sure enough! A study found that using extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) in meals increased the amount of fat burned for up to five hours after eating. In the study, this is called postprandial fat oxidation. EVOO also increased diet-induced thermogenesis.[15]

This was a relatively small study of post-menopausal women, but the study is important because metabolism and fat burning slow down with age.

Are All Fat Burners Safe?

Natural fat burners are generally safe, but it's always a good idea to talk to your healthcare provider before starting to take a supplement. Some — even natural ones — may interact with prescription drugs or even other supplements.

In general, fat burners with a large number of ingredients pose a higher risk of drug interactions and side effects. Also, fewer studies have been conducted on fat-burning supplements containing multiple ingredients and how they work together.

Be sure to discontinue fat burners if you experience any serious side effects.

Do Fat Burners Actually Work?

Think of diet as the most important component of an overall weight loss plan. Exercise is crucial as the second portion, while a fat-burning supplement can be the cherry on top.

Be sure to take fat burners according to directions. Taking more than the recommended daily serving can harm your health. Rapid weight loss is not optimal if you want to keep it off long term, and fat burners should not replace the work it takes to create new, healthy lifestyle habits.

Tips for Choosing a Fat Burner

Once your diet and exercise plans are in order, it can seem tricky to choose the right fat-burning supplement. Don't be fooled by muscled models and catchy packaging. Clarify your goals by asking yourself these important questions:

  • Why do you want to take a fat burner?
  • Are you sensitive to caffeine?
  • Do you take medications or have any serious health problems?
  • How long do you want to take the fat burner?
  • Is the fat burner natural without any chemical additives?
  • Is the fat burner vegan, organic, and gluten-free?

Once you've established some basics, select the right fat burner for you. Each person's physiology is unique, and yours may respond to one fat burner but not another. You may also have to give a fat burner some time to work, up to several weeks.

Be careful about pairing two stimulant products together; this can backfire by making you feel drained. And as always, buy the highest quality supplements with organic, plant-based ingredients for best results.

Points to Remember

Fat burners, while not a miracle solution, can aid in your weight loss efforts. They may work by increasing your metabolism, blocking fat absorption, or decreasing appetite.

Natural fat burners include herbs like ginseng, foods like cayenne pepper, apple cider vinegar, and grapefruit, or compounds found naturally in food, like caffeine. You can simply eat the fat-burning foods, spices, or herbs, or you may choose to concentrate their fat-burning power in capsules or extracts.

To choose a fat burner, ask yourself clarifying questions such as what you want to accomplish and which part of the weight loss journey you would like the most help with, such as cravings, metabolism, or energy.

Talk to your healthcare provider before starting to take a fat burner and discontinue if you experience negative side effects. Always avoid synthetic fat burners which usually contain harmful chemicals, and instead look for organic, gluten-free options.

Have you tried any natural fat burners? Which ones? Share your story in the comments below!

The post Natural Fat Burners: Which Ones Actually Work? appeared first on Dr. Group's Healthy Living Articles.


Wednesday 9 January 2019

Weight Loss Supplements: Which One Is Right for You?

A woman stretching after exercising. Incorporating weight loss supplements with a healthy diet and exercise routine is key to losing weight.A woman stretching after exercising. Incorporating weight loss supplements with a healthy diet and exercise routine is key to losing weight.

Most people have tried to lose weight at some point in their life, whether it's dropping a few pounds or embarking on a more significant weight loss journey. You may try to lose weight to achieve a better quality of life, improved health, a decreased risk of disease, or simply to look better in your clothes.

You may have wondered whether weight loss supplements can help. The short answer is yes — but most likely, you will not see benefits unless you exercise and follow a healthy diet.

The best weight loss supplements work through some combination of reducing appetite, decreasing fat absorption, increasing muscle mass, and burning fat. Unfortunately, companies often flood the market with weight loss supplements that don't live up to the claims.

To choose the best option for you, find out a supplement's active ingredients and whether scientific studies substantiate its claims and efficacy. It's also smart to understand any possible side effects.[1]

Top Weight Loss Supplements

While supplements most likely won't help you achieve your weight loss goals on their own, research shows that certain products may boost metabolism, burn fat, and reduce appetite. We recommend you use only natural options and stay away from unnatural products that may mess with your metabolism and other aspects of your health. Below are some of the top natural weight loss supplements that may work when used in combination with a healthy diet and exercise. Keep in mind that, before using any weight loss supplement, it's a good idea to check with your healthcare provider or nutritionist who is familiar with you and can make a personalized recommendation.


Found naturally in coffee, tea, and dark chocolate, caffeine is one of the most well-known weight loss ingredients. Caffeine works by boosting your metabolism as well as increasing your body's ability to burn fat. Caffeine has been found to improve weight loss and maintenance in overweight patients.[2]

One study showed that consuming caffeine before your workout will lead to a higher calorie burn, and it will also suppress your appetite after exercising.

According to one intriguing study, if you consume caffeine before exercising, not only will it lead to a higher calorie burn during your workout, but it will also suppress your appetite afterward. On top of that, consuming caffeine may lead to greater exercise enjoyment.[3] But be sure to moderate your intake — too much caffeine can lead to jitters, anxiety, nausea, and reduced insulin sensitivity, which can cause weight gain.

Green Tea Extract

Green tea extract is a popular weight loss supplement known for its healthy antioxidants. Specifically, green tea contains catechins, a natural antioxidant in the chemical family called flavonoids. Green tea extract shows particular promise for burning belly fat, often associated with inflammation and disease.[4]

When taken with caffeine, the catechins in green tea extract increase norepinephrine production in the body. Among other functions, norepinephrine sends a signal to the body to break down fat cells.[5] Increased norepinephrine thus lowers fat mass, helps weight loss, and even normalizes triglyceride levels — unhealthy fat that circulates in the blood.

Green tea extract is typically well-tolerated without side effects, except by highly caffeine-sensitive individuals. However, norepinephrine is known as the "fight or flight" hormone associated with stress, so you do not want to increase its production too much. Limit your use of green tea extract to reasonable amounts.

Conjugated Linoleic Acid

Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) is a group of chemicals found in the fatty acid linoleic acid. Taking CLA daily may curb body fat by reducing appetite, boosting metabolism, building muscle, and breaking down fat cells.[6] CLA helps glucose — the body's fuel — get into cells more efficiently, which prevents glucose from being used to make fat instead.

You can find CLA in a few plant-based sources, including white button mushrooms, pomegranate seed oil, and safflower oil (choose cold-pressed, unrefined, organic varieties). You can buy vegan CLA supplements, but be aware that some vegetarian and vegan supplements get CLA by chemically altering vegetable oil. Make sure you select supplements made from natural, high-quality ingredients. Known side effects from taking CLA include digestive issues, such as constipation, soft stools, or diarrhea.[7]


Extracted from elephant yam (konjac) roots, glucomannan is a water-soluble dietary fiber that may be an effective weight loss supplement. Glucomannan works by absorbing large quantities of water. If you place a small amount in a glass of water, the water thickens and turns to gel.

By absorbing water, glucomannan may reduce fat absorption by the body, delay stomach emptying, and play a role in how full you feel after a meal (also known as satiety). Thus, glucomannan decreases hunger — and you eat less.[8] Studies suggest that taking glucomannan for up to four months, in powder, food, or supplement form is safe. Be advised, however, that it may interact with some prescription drugs, especially those for blood sugar conditions.

Cayenne Pepper

Research shows that a half teaspoon of spicy hot cayenne pepper can take the edge off appetite, helping you eat fewer calories. It may also reduce your cravings for salty and sweet snacks.[9] What's more, eating foods with capsaicin, an active component in cayenne and other chili peppers, may boost your metabolism by 15 to 20 percent.[10]

Capsaicin — found in cayenne and other chili peppers — can naturally boost your metabolism by 15 to 20 percent!

Research has found that cayenne pepper may activate the energy-burning receptors located on both white and brown fat cells.[10] Just a small amount of capsaicin in a high-fat diet prevented weight gain.[10] However, large amounts of capsaicin may cause gastrointestinal issues in some people.

Green Coffee Bean Extract

Green coffee bean extract comes from raw, unroasted coffee beans. Chock full of antioxidants — among them caffeine and chlorogenic acid (CGA) — this extract can help absorb carbohydrates from the digestive tract. Once someone roasts coffee beans, the antioxidant content declines.

There may be some weight loss benefits to consuming green coffee bean extract; studies suggest that chlorogenic acid may reduce fat stored in the liver and aid in fat burning.[11]. Side effects are few but may include insomnia, anxiety, and headaches.


Although most people think of probiotics as a digestive supplement, the truth is that they show promising weight-loss benefits in certain groups of people.[12] By modulating the composition of gut bacteria, probiotic foods or supplements can influence how effectively you digest your food, how resistant you are to insulin, and how your body regulates blood sugar, among other things. Make sure you take a probiotic supplement that contains a diverse collection of strains for best results.

Natural Weight Loss Supplements to Avoid

While many popular weight loss supplements exist, others may either not work or have unwanted side effects.

Bitter orange (neroli) contains the chemical compound synephrine, which is similar to the compound found in ephedra (a banned weight loss supplement). Although there is some evidence that the combination of guarana and ephedrine (derived from ephedra) helps short-term weight loss,[13] ephedra has unwanted side effects. The FDA banned ephedra in the U.S. because studies linked it to heart attack and high blood pressure. Avoid these compounds as weight loss supplements.

Forskolin is a compound derived from the Indian coleus plant, and studies show it may stimulate cells to release stored fat, but it does not suppress appetite, increase metabolic rate, or help digestion, making it fairly ineffective for overall weight loss.

Studies also indicate that chromium picolinate and raspberry ketone are poor choices for weight loss. Garcinia cambogia is also popular, but studies have linked it to liver failure — be sure to stay away.

Vitamins & Minerals for Weight Loss

In addition to the herbs and compounds listed above, several vitamins may influence metabolism and weight loss, particularly when used with a healthy diet and exercise routine. Here are a few vitamins and minerals with promising results.

Vitamin B-12

B-12 plays a role in boosting energy and metabolism, making red blood cells, helping DNA production, and stimulating bone growth and development. Some clinics offer B-12 injections as part of a weight loss regimen, but little research exists on the effectiveness of this practice.

One study found that taking vitamin B-6 and B-12 helped reduce homocysteine levels — an abnormal protein that increases heart attack risk — during weight loss.[14] B-12 also helps the body process fat and plays a role in the "energy cycle" in every cell.

Large doses of B-12 aren't likely to harm your health, though it may interfere with certain medications and could cause mild gastrointestinal upset. Talk to your physician if you want to use B-12 as a weight loss supplement.

The Food and Nutrition Board of the Institute of Medicine recommends that everyone over the age of 14 take 2.4 mcg (micrograms) of B-12 daily for general health.[15] Vegetarians and vegans need to supplement their diet since B-12 occurs mostly in animal sources.


People who eat low-calcium diets tend to have higher body weights, prompting some researchers to consider whether supplementation may reduce weight. In one study, overweight women who normally consumed less than 800 mg (milligrams) of calcium daily began taking calcium and vitamin D and lost more weight than those who took a placebo (a pill without calcium or vitamin D).[16]

Another study found that supplementing with calcium led to weight and fat loss, but the results were not statistically significant.[17] While the jury is still out, calcium has relatively few side effects for healthy people. It may interact with certain medications, so check with your healthcare provider.

Vitamin D

A known association exists between vitamin D deficiency and obesity. While we still need more research on how taking vitamin D may affect weight loss, there have been promising results. One study found that taking vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) helped with weight loss when accompanied by dieting.[18]

Since almost half of Americans are deficient in vitamin D, it can only help your weight loss journey if you start with sufficient levels, so check with your healthcare provider to find out your levels. Side effects from too much vitamin D can include kidney stones, gastrointestinal upset, confusion, and muscle weakness.


Omega-3 fatty acids are heart-healthy antioxidants that help regulate your blood pressure and normalize cholesterol — and, as a bonus, they have mild weight loss benefits. Popular plant-based sources of omega-3 fatty acids are walnuts, flax seeds, and algae oil.

Omega-3s may influence weight loss by causing satiety, or a sense of fullness.[19] Omega-3s are also known mood boosters, and a better mood may lead to less emotional eating.

Avoid Synthetic Diet Pills

A healthy body and optimal body weight require a smart diet and living right, but also fine-tuning your body's internal operations. This is why cleansing of environmental toxins is at the core of our philosophy. All of your organs are important, but your liver is near the top of the list.

Because of the role your liver plays in detoxifying your body, you should stay particularly aware of its health. This is worth mentioning because several weight loss pills disrupt or even damage liver function.

Alli and Hydroxycut are over-the-counter diet pills that claim to aid weight loss but whose side effects include possible liver damage. Obviously, this outweighs any potential weight loss benefits and use is not recommended. Stick to natural options, herbs, probiotics, vitamins, minerals, and compounds that are found naturally in foods.

If your goal is to get healthy for the long-term, the plain and simple truth is that you will have the best results by permanently adopting good habits, not quick fixes that compromise your health and don't have lasting effects anyway. I recommend you follow a protein-rich, plant-based diet with organic, whole foods, and healthy oils; avoid processed, sugary foods and items with a long list of chemical preservatives. And regularly cleanse to stay healthy.

Which Weight Loss Supplement Is Right for You?

  • Before choosing a natural weight loss supplement, have a thorough understanding of what you'd like to accomplish — decrease hunger or cravings, boost metabolism, or burn fat, or all of the above.
  • Each supplement may have side effects or drug interactions, so familiarize yourself with these, given your unique health conditions or concerns. Read reviews and ask your healthcare provider or nutritionist for advice.
  • Never be fooled by grandiose claims of weight loss — especially if they say you do not need to eat right and exercise.
  • Always look for trustworthy brands and take careful note of ingredients. Select supplements with organic ingredients, and preferably ones that are also gluten-free, vegan, and of the highest purity and quality.
  • Not all weight loss supplements are created equal. Natural supplements are made from whole foods, while chemists make synthetic supplements artificially.
  • Always choose natural, plant-based supplements, not synthetic ones. To determine whether a supplement is natural or synthetic, check labels and do your research. Natural supplements will typically list the food sources they come from whereas synthetics will list chemical names.

Points to Remember

If you think a weight loss supplement could aid in your journey to better health, decide what kind of help you need. Do you want to suppress your appetite, burn fat, or boost your metabolism?

Some natural weight loss supplements, including caffeine, green tea extract, green coffee bean extract, cayenne pepper (capsaicin), and glucomannan, may make a difference. Certain vitamins and minerals, like vitamin D3, calcium, and B-12, may also aid weight loss.

Remember, weight loss supplementation is not a magic solution; any supplements should accompany a healthy diet as well as regular exercise. For more ideas, check out our 17 Most Effective Weight Loss Tips article.

Do you have any experience trying natural weight loss supplements? Tell us your experience in the comments below!

The post Weight Loss Supplements: Which One Is Right for You? appeared first on Dr. Group's Healthy Living Articles.


Monday 7 January 2019

The Best Weight Loss Foods to Keep You Healthy

A bowl of salad that contains several weight loss foods like carrots and avocados.A bowl of salad that contains several weight loss foods like carrots and avocados.

If you're looking to shed pounds, success depends on what you put on your plate. The best foods for weight loss are often the simplest choices you can make: whole, nutrient-rich foods that you can feel good about eating.

On your next trip to the grocery store, or while you plan your weekly meals, include the following healthy choices in your repertoire. Whether you struggle with extra pounds or you're a parent helping your kids to eat better, these great weight loss foods can be your friend. Not only will they help trim your waistline, but they will also put you on a path to better health in the long run.

Why Your Diet Is Important

Perhaps even more effective for weight loss than exercise, your dietary choices have a powerful impact. Some studies show that diet alone, or a combination of diet and exercise, has a greater effect on body composition than exercise alone.[1, 2] Keeping active is essential for good health. However, if you had to choose between diet and exercise to jump-start weight loss, diet would come out the winner.

When it comes to diet, the quality of food — more than the quantity — is an overlooked aid to weight loss. A 2018 study found that people who ate vegetables and whole foods heartily throughout one year lost weight without restricting calories.[3] With research connecting ultra-processed foods with the obesity epidemic, we have plenty of reasons to opt instead for whole, nutrient-rich foods in any dietary weight loss plan.[4]

Fruits for Weight Loss

Fruits are some of the best foods for weight loss on the planet. For starters, fruits are foods rich in fiber, which helps you feel full longer. Many contain flavonoids, compounds that make their colors bright. Flavonoids are good stuff: In addition to having antioxidant powers for overall health, they also prevent weight gain. People who ate a flavonoid-rich diet experienced less weight gain than a control group who did not. The result is likely because flavonoids decrease fat absorption and increase the body's energy expenditure.[5]


With just 53 calories and 2 grams of fiber, one serving of grapefruit is an excellent addition to your breakfast table. Science backs the long-standing assumption that grapefruit is a fat-burning food.

A 2006 study found that dieters who ate half a grapefruit before every meal experienced significant weight loss after 12 weeks.[6] Some foods, including grapefruit, take more calories to burn than they contain — this is called the thermic or metabolic cost of food.


Apples can satisfy your sweet cravings while you try to lose weight. You might notice that eating an apple is very satiating, even though it has just 100 calories. That's because the average apple contains lots of fiber (4 grams) and high water content — two factors that help you feel full.

One study compared a group of women who ate three apples daily with a group that ate three oat cookies daily; the apple eaters lost weight and consumed few calories, while the cookie eaters experienced no change.[7]


Avocados contain a high amount of fat, but don't worry — it's the good fat. The monounsaturated fat in avocados (as well as in olives and olive oil) does not increase triglycerides in the blood the way that saturated fats do. Moreover, science supports the belief that monounsaturated fats, and avocados, in particular, can assist with weight loss — the age of "low-fat" diets is long gone.

In one study of overweight adults, people who ate half an avocado at lunchtime reported a 40 percent decreased desire to eat for three to five hours afterward.[8]


High in fiber and low in calories, bananas exhibit many of the qualities of a weight loss food. Interestingly, bananas that are slightly green have lower sugar content than their brown-spotted counterparts. That's because greenish bananas contain resistant starch (sugars that are resistant to digestion), which can help you feel full longer, according to studies.[9]


Berries — including strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries — contain lots of tummy-satisfying fiber (up to 9 grams per cup) and are a rich source of vitamin C. Packed with antioxidants such as flavonoids, berries also contain less sugar than many other fruits, making them a good choice even for dieters who limit their carbohydrate intake.

Vegetables For Weight Loss

Piling on the vegetables is a great way to add bulk to your meals – as well as crazy amounts of nutrition — while you try to lose weight. A good rule of thumb is to make sure veggies occupy about half of your plate at lunch and dinner. That way you'll reap the benefits of their many vitamins and minerals while cutting down on other foods that add to your waistline.


Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli are high in fiber, low in calories, and jam-packed with nutrients. One serving of steamed broccoli contains twice the amount of vitamins C and K that you need daily! Broccoli is also a negative-calorie food, meaning that — like grapefruit — it contains fewer calories than what's required to digest it.


Also in the cruciferous family, cabbage has a high fiber and water content to help you feel full and satisfied. Cruciferous vegetables also have unique sulfur-based compounds called glucosinolates, which scientists suggest have anti-cancer properties.[10] Bonus: Cabbage is inexpensive, so it's an economical choice for those looking to trim their waistline but not their wallet.


Containing only 50 calories per cup and over 3 grams of fiber per serving, carrots fit nicely into a weight loss plan. Carrots famously abound with vitamin A, which supports your vision and immune system. They're also a great source of potassium and vitamins C and K.


Cauliflower is all the rage in low-carb diets as an alternative to rice — you can finely chop and cook it to create “cauliflower rice." Cauliflower is packed with fiber, water, and nutrients. The white cruciferous vegetable also has high levels of vitamin C, which helps to oxidize or break down fat during moderate exercise — making it a good weight loss ally.[11]


Technically speaking, tomatoes are a fruit. However, when cooking, tomatoes are used and referred to as vegetables. With a skinny 18 calories per serving and high water content, juicy tomatoes check off many of the boxes for weight loss foods. Their key antioxidant is lycopene, which may help protect the body's cells from damage and have a host of potential health benefits.[12] Great on salads or as a healthy snack, cherry tomatoes are nature's candy – you can even eat the wrapper.

Other Food Options

Stock up on the following foods and common pantry staples. Many of these are easy to add to your cooking repertoire, and each one is notable for its weight loss friendliness.


Plain yogurt, as opposed to the sugary flavored varieties, is an excellent weight loss ally. The probiotics in yogurt and other fermented foods support the healthy bacteria in your gut that keep digestion moving smoothly. Choose alternative-milk varieties, like coconut milk or almond milk yogurt. If you're interested in making yogurt, check out our vegan probiotic yogurt recipe.

Healthy Fats

Not all fats are created equal. Loaded with antioxidants, olive oil is one of the healthiest oils, and many nutritionists recommend it as an alternative to butter and saturated or trans fats.

Breast cancer survivors who ate a diet enriched with olive oil lost more weight than those eating a lower-fat diet over two months.[13] Other healthy cooking oils include avocado oil and coconut oil, both of which increase the good HDL cholesterol in the body.

Apple Cider Vinegar

An ancient folk remedy as well as a pantry staple, evidence suggests apple cider vinegar also possesses weight-loss powers. In one study, people who consumed one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar a day over three months lost 2.6 pounds, while those who had two tablespoons lost 3.7 pounds.[14]

Try apple cider vinegar in salad dressings or smoothies, or add a tablespoon to your water along with a squeeze of lemon.

Nuts & Seeds

Nuts and seeds are the perfect snack food for dieters. Powerhouses of nutrition that combine protein and fiber with healthy fats, nuts can satisfy the appetite, even in small amounts. Almonds and other tree nuts boost metabolism and possibly assist with weight loss or weight maintenance.[15, 16]

Green Tea

Filled with antioxidants, green tea is a great beverage choice for dieters. Several studies support the theory that green tea has a small but notable positive effect on weight loss and weight management.[17] Researchers attribute this to the tea's combination of caffeine and an antioxidant called catechins, which may help to boost your metabolism.[18]


Go ahead and enjoy that morning cup of joe. Coffee abounds with healthy antioxidants, and it may also assist with weight loss and weight management. Not surprisingly, researchers believe that it's the caffeine in coffee that speeds up your metabolism but also helps you maintain a healthy weight.[19] Avoid decaf, which not only removes the caffeine but adds in a variety of harmful chemicals in the process.

Chili Pepper

If you love spicy foods, you're in luck. Chili peppers contain capsaicin, the plant compound that makes your mouth feel hot – and that may also assist with weight loss. One review of the evidence found that consuming capsaicin in doses as low as 10 mg per day can help you burn an extra 50 calories daily.[20]

Dark Chocolate

Consumed in moderation, dark chocolate fits nicely into a weight loss regimen. It may even help you stay trim thanks to its main antioxidant and flavonoids, which science links with weight loss.[5] Enjoyed in small amounts, dark chocolate can also help dieters stay satiated and keep hunger at bay while satisfying your sweet tooth.[21]


Legumes — which includes beans, peas, and lentils — are high in protein and fiber and low in fat. They make a healthy, plant-based protein source. Legumes such as lentils, chickpeas, and black beans may even help to boost metabolism, perhaps because they require extra calories to digest.[22]

Foods to Avoid

Having a handy list of the best foods for weight loss can go a long way toward eating well and maintaining a healthy weight. However, in a world where fast foods and poor choices abound, you should also know what not to eat.

Fast Food

Most fast foods are heavy in calories, sodium, and unhealthy fats — a dangerous trio for those looking to lose weight and stay healthy. Regions with more fast food restaurants have higher obesity rates, according to a 2011 study.[23] Stay away from the drive-through, and instead choose "slow food" — food you make yourself with whole, organic, natural ingredients.


The typical grab-and-go pizza contains a high amount of refined carbohydrates, fat, and sodium. Avoid these greasy choices and make your own pie: You can often find ready-made gluten-free pizza dough (or even cauliflower crust) and good-quality sauces, vegan cheese, and toppings at your local grocery store.

Sugary Drinks

Huge amounts of sugar hide in many common beverage choices, including soft drinks, sweetened iced teas, and juices with added sugar. Become a voracious nutrition label reader and note your beverages' sugar content. Cranberry juice, for example, can have a whopping 30 grams. Opt for “no sugar added" versions instead.

Highly Processed Foods

Often made with refined carbohydrates, high-fructose corn syrup, table sugar, and trans fats, highly processed products can undermine your weight loss efforts. Stick to whole foods as much as possible, avoiding foods that come in a box or factory packaging.

How to Assemble Your Meal Plan

Who needs fad diets when you can create an eating plan based on foods that assist with weight loss? Choose options like these for healthy eating all day.


  • A half grapefruit with raw honey (rich in digestive enzymes)
  • Avocado toast on gluten-free bread with sliced tomatoes and extra-virgin olive oil
  • Coconut milk yogurt parfait with fresh berries and nuts



  • Zucchini noodle pasta with a homemade sauce
  • Spicy black bean and brown rice bowl with chili pepper salsa and a side salad
  • Vegetable stir-fry with cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, and matchstick carrots, served over quinoa

Points to Remember

The best foods for weight loss are whole, plant-based foods including an array of fruits and vegetables, plant-based proteins, healthy fats, nuts, and seeds.

Keep in mind that it is the quality of the food that you eat, more than the quantity, that helps with weight loss. Make sure to always choose organic foods because they not only contain more nutrients but also lower levels of pesticides.

Include foods that contain healthy antioxidants such as flavonoids (in colorful fruits and vegetables) and catechins (in green tea) and even caffeine (coffee and dark chocolate). Avoid poor choices such as fast foods, highly processed foods, and sugary drinks that can undermine your goals for weight loss and optimal health. For more ideas on losing weight, check out our 17 Most Effective Weight Loss Tips for Long-Term Success article.

What fat-burning, weight loss foods have you tried? Share your experiences in the comments below!

The post The Best Weight Loss Foods to Keep You Healthy appeared first on Dr. Group's Healthy Living Articles.
